D8.1 |
Project Communication Kit |
D8.1 reports on the publicity material that has been developed for disseminating MAMEM objectives and goals to different target groups. In particular, D8.1 reports on the project web-site, poster, leaflet and factsheet, as well as the project’s social media accounts (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn). This material will be made available to all consortium members for disseminating the project’s aims and activities to the wider public. |
D6.1 |
Clinical requirements for the MAMEM
platform for each of the patient cohort |
This report describes the requirements for wearing and
operation of the platform for each cohort of subjects, based on (1) literature surveys done by each
clinical site; (2) analyses of focus groups conducted in each clinical site. This report contains the
questionnaires, the protocol and the ethical approvals obtained for conducting these interviews. The
requirements are summarized and prioritized. In next step we will extract similar information from
interviews with patients and caregivers. |
D1.4 |
Data Management Plan |
D1.4 determines the strategy by which the research data generated by the project will be made open for maximizing their re-use. In particular, we initially describe the context where data will be collected by MAMEM, as well as their nature. Then, we discuss about the data management and sharing practices and lay out our ethical and confidentiality considerations. |
D4.1 |
Report on the middleware architecture and technical requirements |
The purpose of this document is to describe MAMEM’s architecture covering the full spectrum of involved components, ranging from the base platform and the sensors layer, all the way to our Middleware, the Interaction SDK and the end-user applications. In particular, the document specifies the adopted technologies, the programming environment, the range of functionalities that will be provide by MAMEM, as well as the interfaces used to exchange information between the different layers. In the end, a logic view of MAMEM’s architecture is presented, describing how everything can fit together to facilitate the development of applications operated through the user’s eyes and mind. |
D6.2 |
Definition of pilot trials with the participation of patients |
This report provides a detailed description of the methods that will be necessary for conducting the pilot studies, which have been elicited with the participation of patients. In particular, analysis of the questionnaires from the three groups of patients and their caregivers are included describing patients’ disabilities in computer operation, their desired goals for improvements and their willingness to perform multimedia related tasks using MAMEM. The report also contains three case scenarios for the use of MAMEM platform by the three groups of patients, as well as a preliminary and indicative set of interface adjustments that will be necessary for using MAMEM platform. |
D5.1 |
Report on persuasive design principles, user models and profiles |
The general objective of WP5 is to provide user modelling, and the basic principles and paradigms for interface design. First of all, crucial to MAMEM is modelling of users (based on relevant characteristics as (dis-)abilities, interaction behaviour, emotions, intentions, social abilities and social network, extend to which training is needed, and sensitivity to persuasive strategies. These models will be used as input for several WP’s and tasks. Second, equally important as to user models, is a specification of the persuasive design principles to influence those users (e.g., increase adherence to therapy/exercises, increase trust in the interface). Finally, all the above will be used as the basis to design the necessary interfaces and develop a set of prototype applications that will be used during the pilot trials. |
D6.3(P1) |
Clinical trials protocol & Ethics
audit |
The scope of D6.3 is twofold. First, to describe the protocol that will be followed during
MAMEM’s clinical trials and second to report on the ethics auditing process that has been performed
for the activities covering the first twelve months of the project. The clinical protocol has been
created according to the definition of the clinical trials outlined in D6.2 and will be submitted in all
clinical centres, so as to be reviewed and approved by the respective institutional review boards
(“Helsinki approval”). The ethics auditing process has been performed by the project’s internal ethics
advisor that evaluated and reported on the compliance of MAMEM’s activities with the ethical rules
and commitments established in the project’s description of actions. |
D7.1 |
Methodology for Measuring Social Integration |
This report aims at providing a methodology for the assessment of MAMEM’s impact on social participation and integration of persons with disabilities. It identifies the challenges and repercussions of social inclusion and exclusion of persons with disabilities and defines a portfolio of digital and social inclusion indicators which are relevant and pertinent to them. Further, it suggests statistically validated, robust and mutually consistent metrics for each of the digital and social inclusion indicators. Finally, it proposes a research methodology for monitoring social integration, which unfolds in two stages. In the first stage benchmark data on digital activity and social integration are collected, while in the second stage shifts and changes in the indicators following MAMEM training and usage are monitored and studied. |
D2.2 |
Initial integration and optimization of multi-modal sensors |
The deliverable concerns the activities done so far to inspect the integration of the several
sensors that are exploited in the two MAMEM platforms (the heavyweight and lightweight
configurations). Moreover, the second part of the document analyzes the performance of
the EEG filters when applied to devices with different number of channels (i.e. the case of
the heavyweight and lightweight EEG sensors). |
D3.2 |
Multi-modal interaction with meso and high level control paradigms |
The goal of D3.2 is to understand the potential of multimodal algorithms and
its implementation in the context of Eye tracking, Brain Computer Interaction (BCI) and
bio signals and to investigate how we can leverage their co-existence in a system if combined
together. Here, we also look into the various issues that have been encountered with multimodal
interaction and specifically on the advantages and limitations of each modality in the context
of a multimodal experience. In this respect, the goal of D3.2 is to facilitate the transition from
single modal to multimodal experience |
D4.3 |
Initial implementation of MAMEM's
middleware and Interaction SDK |
The goal of D4.3 is to deliver the documentation of the software implementing the first
version of MAMEM’s middleware and interaction SDK. The software is delivered along with this
document in the form of an installation package and handles most of the work required for the
integration of all the system subcomponents. The document presents the current development
status of the platform, step by step installation instructions and detailed instructions on how to
modify or extend the functionalities of the system. |
D5.2 |
Initial design and implementation of the prototype interface applications |
This deliverable incorporates the mock-ups for the design, as well as an initial implementation for the prototype interface applications that will be used during the pre-test
studies. The prototypes of interface applications will be evaluated on effectiveness. This deliverable also encompasses a description of the training cycles (of interface use) necessary for optimizing user acceptation and behaviour change. |
D8.4 |
Impact Assessment and Updated Dissemination Plan |
D8.4 starts by providing an overview of the dissemination strategy that we has adopted until M24, and reports on the dissemination activities that have been undertaken following this strategy. In addition, we use a number of measurable indicators to assess the impact of these activities and identify the ones that have been most effective in creating the intended awareness and outreach. We also compared against the commitments that we have taken in D8.2 both per partner and project-wise. These evaluations have formed the basis for imposing a number of corrective actions on our initial strategy, leading to an updated plan for the remainder of the project. In reporting about the undertaken dissemination activities we make sure to associate each activity with the dissemination means that have been used to implemented it, the target audience that was intended to reach, the indicators that have been used to assess its impact, and the methodology that has been used to monitor them. Finally, we provide a number of cases that we consider as highlights for the project’s achievements and identify new opportunities for better coupling our dissemination efforts with the exploitation of MAMEM results. |
D5.4 |
Update D5.1 (Report on persuasive design principles, user models and profiles) |
The current document presents an update of the persuasive and personalization elements (proposed and described in D5.1) implemented in the MAMEM system (see D5.2), based on an analysis of the implications for persuasive design stemming from Phase I trials and an additional lab study. The lab study showed that the MAMEM system’s persuasive and personalization design elements improve user effectiveness on social inclusion tasks, and that perceived ease of use of the MAMEM training software could be improved. Based on these findings, the current report presents updates, ameliorations and extensions of the user profiles and personas, the requirements for personalization, and the requirements for the persuasive design (as they were described in D5.1) to be incorporated into the MAMEM system in the Phase II trials to further improve user acceptance (evaluations) and use (performance) of the MAMEM system. |
D6.4 |
Interim report on pilot experiments based on half the subjects, including updated clinical requirements and definitions of clinical trials |
This interim report provides a detailed description on pilot experiments based on a sample of 34 able – bodied and patient participants, and includes updated clinical requirements and definitions of clinical trials. In particular, the report will describe: (1) Three sets of results and analyses of experiments conducted in three clinical sites, (2) Recommendations for modifications of methods for the second set of pilot studies with the participation of patients, (3) Recommendations for trials related to WP7 (Monitoring social inclusion). |
D2.3 |
Final integration and optimization of multi-modal sensors |
Deliverable D2.3 deals with the final implementation of the sensor modules of WP2 and provides suggestions for the best practices in case of drawbacks during future data acquisition. The data collected in the Phase I dataset have been exploited to carry out an analysis and refinement of the filtering algorithms; no particular issues were found related to the acquisition of the raw data. |
D3.3 |
Final implementation of the control paradigms of multi-modal interaction |
The objective of this deliverable is to describe the necessary algorithms for translating biosignals
(i.e. eye-tracking based, EEG and GSR signals) into meaningful control variable for
eective interaction. In that direction, we present the analysis and implementations of dierent
interaction modalities and then bring them together with fusion techniques as Multi Modal
Interfaces. In the fusion techniques, eye-based control is considered as the primary mode of
interaction, supported by additional modalities for enhanced user experience. |
D4.4 |
Final implementation of MAMEM's middleware and interaction SDK |
The goal of D4.4 is to deliver the documentation of the software implementing the final
version of MAMEM’s middleware and interaction SDK. The software is delivered along with this
document in the form of an installation package and handles most of the work required for the
integration of all the system subcomponents. The document presents an overview of the system,
advances in the development of the platform, step by step installation instructions, system testing
results and detailed instructions on how to modify or extend the functionalities of the system. |
D5.3 |
Final design and implementation of the prototype interface applications |
This report describes the persuasive design of the MAMEM system (to be employed in Phase II field trials). It shows how this persuasive design is targeted at training and motivating the users of the MAMEM system to start using the MAMEM system, and at motivating users to use the MAMEM system for social inclusion activities. |
D6.5 |
Final Report on Pilot Trials with the Participation of Patients |
This report provides a detailed description on the phase II of the pilot experiments. Within this phase, the MAMEM platform was given to potential users to use at their homes for a duration of one month in which their usage pattern was monitored. This report describes: (1) the study protocol (2) Three sets of comprehensive results and analyses of experiments conducted in three clinical cohorts: people with Neuromuscular diseases, people with
Parkinson's disease and people with a spinal cord injury (3) A discussion of the results, conclusions and recommendations on future use of the platform. |