MAMEM, recently released deliverable D5.1 – Report on persuasive design principles, user models and profiles that has been developed to provide user modelling, and the basic principles and paradigms for interface design. In particular, the document is devided in two tasks: 1) in the first task we present a description of the patient groups’ attributes, in the form of user profiles and Personas; 2) in the second task we design and select the persuasive strategies that will be used to motivate these users to accept, learn and finally use the MAMEM system, so as to increase their social participation.
Briefly, the user profiles include users’ characteristics such as demographics, relevant medical information, computer interaction behaviour and attitude towards novel assistive devices. Concerning the selected persuasive strategies, a plethora of tailored strategies has been proposed that take into consideration the needs and requirements of each of the three groups. Overall, the persuasive design has been divided into two phases, according to the pilot trials protocol, with two different objectives: user acceptance and engagement and social inclusion.