Visit MAMEM’s booth during the ICT 2018 Event in Vienna to browse the internet by just using your eyes, as well as to play Tetris Using your Eyes and Mind!
MAMEM’s overarching goal is to integrate people with disabilities back into society by endowing them with the critical skill of managing and authoring multimedia content using novel and more natural interface channels. These channels will be
controlled by eye-movements and mental commands, significantly increasing the potential for communication and exchange in leisure (e.g. social networks) and non-leisure context (e.g. workplace). MAMEM, ending in July 2018, has developed a
gaze-controlled web browser (GazeTheWeb) that allows people with disabilities to access the full spectrum of web-based applications (including social networks) using only their eyes. Moreover, we have reinvented a multimodal version of the popular
game TETRIS that allows users to play by rotating the tetriminos with their mind and placing them with their gaze. The stress level measured by a GSR device controls the speed of the tetrimino. Currently, the MAMEM system is at the patients’ homes
for pilot testing.
For more information check here!
Visit us in the area of HALL X3 (Inspiring a Digital Society) at the Stand i29.