May 18 2017 is the sixth Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) that aims to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities. The target audience of GAAD is the design, development, usability, and related communities who build, shape, fund and influence technology and its use. While people may be interested in the topic of making technology accessible and usable by persons with disabilities, the reality is that they often do not know how or where to start. Awareness comes first. Read the blog post by Joe Devon that inspired GAAD.
MAMEM’s overarching goal is to integrate people with disabilities back into society by endowing them with the
critical skill of managing and authoring multimedia content using novel and more natural interface channels. These
channels will be controlled by eye-movements and mental commands, significantly increasing the potential for
communication and exchange in leisure (e.g. social networks) and non-leisure context (e.g. workplace).
Check our video for a comprehensive overview of MAMEM project!