GazeTheWeb: A Gaze Controlled Web Browser, by the institute WeST Koblenz, MAMEM, received the Web For All 2017 (w4a2017) “Web Accessibility Challenge” award in Perth, Australia. The 11th TPG Web Accessibility Challenge is a worldwide competition to showcase advanced Web and Mobile technologies to technical leaders from academia and industry. The goal of the Challenge is to acknowledge the development of innovative and usable technologies to make Web accessible to all people. The Challenge featured several experimental systems and technologies that were compared and evaluated by a panel of accessibility experts and delegates to identify the most significant advances in accessibility research in the year 2017. GazeTheWeb received a highly positive response for its usability and impact in the field of Web accessibility, and was adjudged as the winner of the 11th TPG Web Accessibility Challenge 2017.
You can see the GazeTheWeb demo video here.